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Thoughts on Training
Sustainability in tourism organizations depends on the people who deliver our experiences and who implement changes and solutions. As such, fostering…
Thoughts on Training
(Updated Aug 9th, 2022) TrainingAid case study on sustainability training for tourism and hospitality employees, published as part of "Sustainability…
Thoughts on Training
Effective approaches and important considerations on how tourism industry connects online, taking lessons from "the year travel stopped", and looking…
Thoughts on Training
Tips on how tourism and hospitality professionals can make learning an easier and more practical part of your work, and more effectively approach…
Thoughts on Training
What do tourism industry employers and employees need to enhance professional training and skills building opportunities?
Thoughts on Training
Talent development in tourism is not just about jobs; it’s also key to the growth of the industry as a whole, because a strong workforce is a…
Thoughts on Training
At TrainingAid, we believe that investing in people through effective training, education, and capacity building is one of the most important ways…
Thoughts on Training
Does your class or training program encourage open-minded approaches to exploring new learning experiences, help create a positive learning…
Thoughts on Training
There’s no question that one of the most exciting aspects of MOOCs is that they, by nature, can be accessed by anyone with Internet access – which…
Thoughts on Training
It is safe to say that in the development world human capital development (HCD) is generally considered important for achieving sustained growth and…